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Parenthood Support

To help you better adjust to your baby, be it your first child or your fourth, I offer you 4 different workshops opened to everyone: pregnant women, mums, dads, nurses, au pair, etc.

I also offer a special care to help you bond with your baby and experience a blissed moment with the Bath of Wonders.





Motor milestones 

The goal of this workshop is to familiarize yourself with the development of your child. I will share best practices to enable a harmonious development respectful of their rhythm (postures, environmental set up, choice of games and toys).


This workshop is always interesting, no matter the age of your child and their stage of development.


Duration of the workshop: 1 hour


Content of the workshop: The sessions are essentially based on the observation of your child. Depending on their stage of development, we will consider the following situations:

  • Tummy time and rolling back to belly and belly to back

  • Crawling

  • Independent sitting

  • Standing up and cruising along furnitures

  • Walking

  • Recommended and not recommended equipment and toys



Individual session: $70

Step By Step offer: one monthly session during 6 months to best support your child: $300

Group session: $4

Session happens at home.

Baby wearing

Come discover and experiment different ways to carry your baby respecting the development of your child. Learn how to tie a sling and how to choose the right baby carrier among the large offer on the market.


Duration of the workshop: Two 1-hour sessions


Content of the workshop: You will test different ways to carry your child

with baby wraps or baby carriers and you will learn some knots according

to your needs.


It is possible to do one or two additional deep dive sessions, in particular if

you have several young children or if you want to change carriers as your baby grow.


I also suggest a catch-up session if you forgot any learnings and need more



If you already have slings or baby carriers, bring them with you.

For pregnant women, dolls will be at your disposal to practice.



Standard package (2 x 1 hour) : $140 

Deep-dive session (1 hour): $65

Catch-up session (45 minutes, valid 6 months after the first session) :  $50 

Baby massage

Have a relaxing break and share a peaceful moment with your child through massage therapy. Learn how to massage them depending on their age and needs.


Duration of the workshop: 1 hour


Content of the workshop: According to your child’s age, we will see:

  • Back massage

  • Legs and feet massage

  • Belly massage with some tips to help with digestive issues such as

         constipation, colic

  • Chest and arms massage

  • Face massage

  • Self-massage if your child is older than 18 months


Individual sessions happen at home. I also organise group sessions at my place. It is also possible for you to organise a group session at your house (5 babies maximum) with your friends.



Individual session:  $70 

Group session: $45 

Baby Sign Language

Baby Sign Language is a precious way to communicate and interact with

your child from an early age. 

Duration of the workshop: 1 hour

Content of the workshop: During this class, we will see what the advantages of

baby sign language are and how you can implement this technique in your daily



You will learn a few signed nursery rhymes to make the learning easier and

fun and to stimulate your baby's interest. 

I will also teach you basics signs related to your baby's needs, emotions as well as

a few activities like play, read, etc. We will use signs from the American Sign Language.


Introduction session: $60

Deep-dive session: $45


Bath of Wonders

Treat your newborn to a moment of relaxation and well-being, and

enjoy a sweet time together as a family.

Duration of the service: 1 hour to 1 and a half hour 

For 9 months, babies live cradled in their mother's womb, safe and warm.

When they are born, everything changes and becomes more intense.


The Bath of Wonders serves as a beautiful reminder to newborns of the postures and

sensations they encountered while in the womb. Through this bath, babies have the

opportunity to release their emotions and alleviate any tension related to the

birthing process.

What to expect: We will take a time to talk about your baby's life: pregnancy, birth,

first days, any difficulties you might have met. Then I will swaddle your baby and put

them in a warm bath to help them release any tension and to give them the

opportunity to experience the same sensations they had in the womb.

The bath lasts about 20 minutes and we end or time together with some skin to skin with a parent.


A few benefits of this care: 

-Release the tensions related to childbirth

-Soothe the emotional experience of pregnancy and birth

-Strengthen attachment and parenting skills and facilitate bonding

-Restore the baby's sense of bliss from their time in the womb while offering baby and parents a moment of relaxation


Baby must be less than 3 weeks old and weight should be at least 6 pounds and 2.7 ounces (2Kg800). If your baby came early, we can do the bath later, up to 3 weeks after your due date.

I work with 2 amazing photographs who can document this sweet moment:

Safia B. Photography                                                                   Pauline M. Photography


$95 without photograph

$245 with photograph

Wyatts Bath of Wonders - With Marie - Safia B_edited.png
Alba  Amaia - Bath of Wonders-112.jpg
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